Power and know-how for your sales

Noticeably greater drive, significantly stronger performance, measurably better results! This is the aim of Blobel Consulting’s sales support and goes far beyond sales training. From analysis-based consulting to sales strategy development and sales training, we see ourselves as having a big impact on the current and future success of your sales organization!

Sales advice from top form experts

The competent view from the outside and thinking “out of the box” are game changers for sales success. In our B2B and B2C sales consulting, we master both. Among other things, our sales consultants support your management level in the (further) development of a powerful sales strategy and its implementation. With experience and cross-sector know-how.

Max Neuhaus, engagierter Vertriebsberater bei Blobel Consulting, im Gespräch.

Strategically, operationally and tactically well positioned

Blobel sales consulting for more sales and additional customer groups

Sales agency - Sales Power on Demand

Staff shortage, urgent inventory reduction, new product portfolio … As a B2C and B2B sales agency, we provide your sales team with quick and uncomplicated support exactly where operational sales support is urgently needed. Favor of the hour or weakness in the system, digital sales, key account management, implementation of the sales concept – whatever is on your mind: Our sales experts ensure sales success and generate additional sales through fast, sustainable solutions.
Berater von Blobel Consulting, einer in einem blauen Hemd, arbeiten gemeinsam an einem Tablet in Augsburg, symbolisieren Teamarbeit und digitale Vertriebskompetenz.

Our portfolio as a sales agency

This is how we are on hand - with a strong concept and sales experience

Sales training makes the difference

Targeted sales training paves the way for top sales: motivated, confident and empathetic salespeople with high closing rates and totals. They are convincing, they smooth things over, they win new customers and build or strengthen relationships. Our sales coaching imparts the knowledge and trains the application. The team training sessions, individual coaching sessions and seminars held by the sales trainers are gripping and the content can be implemented immediately.

Engagiertes Team bei einem Vertriebstraining in Augsburg, mit zwei Beratern und einer Trainerin in professioneller Diskussion, repräsentiert durch Blobel Consulting.

The sales training program for all sales levels

Sales strength next level, this is how it works

Can your sales performance be improved at all?

An exciting question – with probably more than one answer … Would you like to hear mine?

I’m in immediately.

Philipp Blobel, kompetenter und vertrauenswürdiger Ansprechpartner bei Blobel Consulting, spezialisiert auf Beratung und Strategieentwicklung